Sunday, July 1, 2012


FYI: This was started and half written on Thursday (gotta work in advance so I can get things up!), but I completely failed at getting it posted. 
The first BATHTIME FREEBIE I have for you tonight is a FREE COMPUTER WALLPAPER from no where else, but the Georgia Sea Turtle Center!!!  WOOT WOOT!!!  :)

I also have a  link to a free 2 year subscription to lego magazine! Who doesn't love legos?!!  This may be more for older children but it should be fun for youngsters to look at also....may even give mom and dad a few ideas too!!  I suppose....I haven't actually seen one.  But I did sign Harper up!

Finally, I want to just open your ears to a neat-o program, it's called the New Balance Wear Test Program.  You basically apply to the program (just like a job) and if you are accepted you get to test New Balance products.  Now, at the end of the test period you do have to send the product back, but how cool is that.  Im just going to share a few pics of the shoes I just recieved!  I must say they are pretty sweet!!!

Harper even liked the shoes!!!


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