Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sea Turtles


As I mentioned earlier Christopher has been on vacation this last week.  Wednesday Christopher and I took Harper over to Jekyll to the Sea Turtle Center.  If you live in the Brunswick/Glynn County area I hightly recommend going if you havent been!  We had a blast!

The turtles were an amazing site.  The center had pictures of what the turtles ooked like when they were rescued and why they were rescued...and you could absolutely tell that the center has rehabilitated these sweet creatures.

I was a little unsure how Harper would react.  But he absolutely had a blast!  He watched the turtles intently. 

He also kept trying to climb over the railing and get down!  He wanted to swim with a turtle!  Harper and his daddy had a great time together and this next picture shows that in its entirety.

Besides having a few minutes (literally it only took us about 45 minutes or so to walk through) of great family bonding it was so incredible to see how far the turtles have come!

This little (or not so little) guy was iver 140 lbs!!!

Birthday Boy

I have absolutely been slacking with my blogging.  Not to mention Christopher has been on vacation the last week and we have had a lot going on. I am going to attempt to get this thing caught up...but it will take me a few posts to do so.

I will start with Harper's Birthday.  All of you know by now my baby isnt a baby anymore.  He is officially a toddler!  :(  It is the most exciting and sad thing ever for a mama!  Thursday night I cried becasue all I could think was "when I put him to bed and get him up in the morning he wont be a baby anymore...he will be a toddler"! 

Friday (10/21) his birthday, I was good...didnt shed one tear!

Saturday we decided to get his hair cut (it needed it bad)!  And I cried because in the end he looks like a big boy!!

I was also quite proud of my big boy, with the help of a sucker, he sat fairly still and never cried during his haircut!

Sunday we also had a 1st Birthday Party for him!  It wasnt anything big, but his mommy had a blast and will definitely remember it.  I regret to inform you that his mommy was also so tuckered out after the party that there will not be a party for a few years!  HA!  But he had a blast being the center of attention and here are some great pics from that day.  THANKS Serena for taking, editing, and sending them to us!

Funny thing was Harper did not want anything to do with his cake!  He would not touch it! 

Now, after the fact, Pops (Christopher's dad) gave him bites of cake off a fork and he loved it!

Guess the moral of the story is, Harper doesn't like to "dig in" and get dirty!  HA!

Not the best picture of us but it sums up the day!

Its still desperately hard for this mama to believe that her baby is a big boy now!  And it amazes me that day in and day out he is growing and learning.  Every day he shows me that he is soaking in his surroundings and learning something new!  I love you Harper Barnes!

Monday, October 17, 2011

First update in a long time!

It has been a while since I have even cared to look at this blog.  Life happened, I got busy, and eventually I stopped caring about it!  But here I am!

This week we are getting ready for Harper's first birthday!  I CANNOT believe that he is turning ONE!  Where has the year gone?  Just yesterday I took a home pregnancy test and found out I was preggo!  And Friday hes turning one!  God has truly blessed me beyond imagine with an amazing little boy!  The BEST little boy, I say!  He has a funny personality, he is sweet, and I love him to pieces. 

As I will be running around getting things together for his party this week im also trying to plan a halloween costume for him.  I wasnt really planning on doing anything for this but GiGi kindly told me a few days ago that he HAD to have a costume!  She bought him this styrofoam sword not to long ago and told me to plan around that.  So, I racked my brain for a few days...couldnt come up with anything so I asked Christopher.  Good ol' Christopher to the rescue!  First thing out of his mouth?  A pirate!  Great idea daddy!  So now I am planning a pirate costume.

I googled pirate costumes (thanks google!) and got my list together: black pants that need to be cut and frayed, a white shirt that need to be frayed, red vest, a hat, a sword (DONE), and an eye patch (done, found one at the dollar store for $1).  So, im going to look at the consignment store for black pants and a white shirt since im cutting them anyways!  But I am thinking im going to attempt to make a red pirate vest out of felt (ill sew it, yes).  And attempt to make a black pirate hat out of foam pieces.  I will post pictures along the way.  Maybe it wont turn out a total disaster!